In Memory

Nancy Whitlow (Perry)

Nancy Whitlow (Perry)

Nancy B. Perry lived her life at full speed. Being in the middle of five children, you probably have to try a little harder. Even at the beginning of her teen years, she knew she was destined to serve God as a missionary in Mexico. In time, God did get her there - with a husband and two boys, Doug and David, in tow. Her husband, Bob, probably thought it was his idea. Even after coming back to the USA eight years later, her indomitable, entrepreneurial spirit kept her in constant motion, starting new projects, setting up church libraries, taking groups on trips to Mexico, starting businesses, working as a teacher and librarian in public schools AND juggling the duties of a pastor's wife. Even while fighting cancer from 1983 until her death in 1993, she was unstoppable - traveling to Alaska, Italy, Greece, England, Spain, Israel, Mexico, Hawaii and more. Just months before her death, from a hospital bed at home, she rallied some powerful women that she knew in the Washington D.C. area and founded a 501(c)(3) non-profit called "Good Gifts Ministries" that was establishing channels for micro-lending projects for indigenous women - over a decade before Grameen Bank won a Nobel Prize for "pioneering" it! She leaves behind thousands of changed lives all over the world, including people who cite her as their inspiration for being on the mission field today. Her book "Missionaries Are Human Too" is a sweet account of the family's first four years in Mexico and is available for free download or for purchase at her son's ministry website, under "Books".

